Transform Your Relationship With Technology For Less Stress

We live in a hyper-connected world and this class explores strategies to navigate technology in a more mindful way. Leave with strategies to reduce stress, gain clarity, and use technology more mindfully in your everyday life.

Mindful Technology covers:

– The negative effects of too much screen time

– The challenges of navigating the digital world

– Tools to reduce stress/boost productivity at work

– Morning routine ideas for less anxiety

– Live question and answer period

– Guided meditation & seated stretch

 Featured Articles

10 Meditation Tips for Beginners

Science-Backed Benefits of Gratitude

4 Breathing Exercises to Reduce Stress and Overwhelm

“Your theory mixed with practical hints and tips are things our employees will be able to put into their personal practice. Your insights on stress management, sleep habits, breathing, meditation, and mindfulness are exactly what this sold-out crowd needed to hear!”

— Karen J., Director of Customer Advocacy, Scotiabank

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